Author Archives: Rhona


Poets & poetry back in YYJ

I’ve been to a few poetry (& other) readings since my return to Victoria, and even given one, and time to report on a bit of that with more on the horizon. But first, I recently found this generous and … Continue reading

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Cambridging, graveyards, poets & lots of fibre

Last weekend I went on a fascinating, moving and timely tour of four Jewish cemeteries, which Tamar Yoseloff led, photographed and blogged here. I have a few photos of my own to contribute. My last reading in the UK was … Continue reading

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Travelling Through… London

Last Wednesday’s reading at Travelling Through Bookshop went well. A cosy crowd gathered in the downstairs cafe of this newly opened shop on Lower Marsh to hear poetry of place & travel from three poets. I was reading with Sue … Continue reading

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Markets, mezze & muses

Last week was another busy one in London. It involved a visit to Brixton market, where the pickings were far from slim. Brixton Village & Market Row is populated more by smart shops, delis and cafes than traditional fare, although … Continue reading

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Pausing for lunch

I’ve been working in various cafes and public spaces lately, as my wifi access is variable in the places I’ve been staying. Today’s most elegant setting is the lovely and unusual Brunswick House Cafe, which is attached to Lassco, purveyor … Continue reading

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