Author Archives: Rhona


Flavour of September, with a pinch of October

      How busy can one month be? Very very in September’s case. Here it is October and I’m still rushing. A quick review will show why I’ve been too crazed to post, though it’s been delightful and stimulating. … Continue reading

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Kneading with a k

I’d been looking forward to the second offering of the Kneading Conference West, held in the idyllic gardens and fruit orchard of the Mount Vernon Research Station, where grains are being grown, tested and much discussed. Over this past September … Continue reading


Eat there then

I’m a week behind in my entries, so here goes the catch-up. Last Sunday’s Eat Here Now festival looked to me to have been enormously popular, with lots of food being eaten and bought and talked about in Market Square. … Continue reading

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Slow Food Lamb Roast

Cory Pelan loves lamb, and he likes it best in a farmer’s field with lots of people bringing lots of lovely food to go with it. So yesterday afternoon he and the Slow Island convivium put on a summer party … Continue reading


Seediness & worminess

A group of Gorge Tillicum Urban Farmers visited the Garden Path last week, to have a look around at a garden going (deliberately) to seed. Carolyn Herriot walked us round the garden she carved out of broom and bracken about … Continue reading

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