Author Archives: Rhona


Reading in Vancouver

Susan Alexander and I will be reading at Christ Church Cathedral, downtown Vancouver, on Saturday October 22, from 4-5pm. All are welcome! The poster was so beautiful I had to share!

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Poet Laureate Rocks the Shore

A sunny Sunday on Dallas Road – we gathered to watch the unveiling of the latest Victoria poet laureate legacy art installation. This was a poem by Yvonne Blomer whose term ended in 2018. It’s perched on a grassy spot … Continue reading

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Field 5 Farm Tour.. malt, whiskey, beer, flax…

Saturday was a beautiful day for a farm party and tour of the facilities at Field 5 Farm, where Farm Folk City Folk was also showing off a new mobile seed cleaner. Farm and city folk gathered to sample some … Continue reading

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White Rock reading for National Organic Week

I was delighted to have a chance to read with local (Surrey BC) poet and civic treasure Heidi Greco, a fellow foodie and activist in all good causes. We decided to celebrate National Organic Week with a poetry conversation at … Continue reading

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Where does all the garbage go?

I learned the important connection between food and sewage years ago when I came across the excellent documentary Crapshoot: The Gamble with Our Wastes. The film of course talked also about garbage disposal and the endless growth of landfill waste … Continue reading

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