Author Archives: Rhona


Telltale & Other Poetry

Wednesday’s reading with the Telltale Poets was great fun, and has been well reported by champion blogger and poet Robin Houghton (whose book  for blogging writers is essential reading – practical and well illustrated – for those wanting to take … Continue reading

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A new year in Suffolk and London

2015 has officially begun. I celebrated with friends in Suffolk, where we ate extremely well. Suffolk is a bit of a food heaven with ample fresh seafood, a lot of free range pig farming, and many charming bakeries, delis, pubs … Continue reading

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Milan to Paris to London

At last, over-fed and impoverished, it was time to leave drizzly Parma for damp Milan to prepare for our separate departures. In Milan we spent a few hours checking out the neighbourhood, buying hats and gloves from a tiny shop … Continue reading

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Poets in Parma

We spent five days in Parma, retracing some of my old steps and doing what we could to boost the economy: consuming ample Parmigiani fare and combing markets and shops for Christmas presents and bits of finery.  It was good … Continue reading

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Poets in Paris

So finally the Iambic Cafe dusts itself off and drags itself to its weary feet, slightly jetlagged but coming round. Sunday’s arrival in London was enlivened by the rather leisurely delivery of my baggage, but after that it was clear … Continue reading

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