Summer on the farm stand

I’ve been spending a little time on the Haliburton farm stand, which has been a great opportunity to ogle seasonal produce.

Braising greens have never looked so beautiful.

Tayberries are about done now, but there are lots of raspberries, strawberries and a few red currants.

Marty, who is part of Sunbird Farms (one of the three farming operations at Hali), produces staggeringly beautiful organic flower arrangements. Here they are getting ready to go to Moss Street Market last Saturday.

And some sweet peas on the farm stand:

It’s garlic harvest time. Hang ’em where you may…

Edible flowers are as beautiful an addition to the farm stand as to salads:

Our CSA veg baskets are looking lovely. Actually I think it looks like a CSA seminar.

And finally, I am a Poem of the Week poet on the Acumen website this week (see Guest Poem button). Catch me while you can…

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