Monday on Signal Hill

We had the best weather ever on Monday and after morning coffee, sensibly ascended the heights of Signal Hill

by taxi and had a wander round. Here’s how the city looked from up there:

We walked down to look at the Queen’s Battery Barracks

and though neither of us could see inside, my camera could.

Nice view of beyond.. looking out to Cape Spear, the easternmost point of North America.

After that, we walked down the hill, and parted ways. I pressed on down the hill to amuse myself at the Craft Council Gallery which had an excellent show on upstairs, and offered unbearable temptation in the shop. And after that, it was a perfect day for admiring colour in St John’s.

Saw some bleeding hearts.

And planned my visit to The Rooms for the following day. After which I could hardly walk because of all those hills, my knees complaining of their lost youth.

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Boreal poets

Sunday carried on being warm and sunny…

Even the birds get pretty houses on Signal Hill Road

and some more mailboxes.

The party bus was waiting and we all piled aboard

and had a photo op at Portugal Cove

before embarking on our Boreal Poetry tour led by Marlene Creates, who read poems in the places where they were composed

like this rock face

pointing out the wildflowers that inspired one poem.

Feels like another spring dawning for me. Fiddleheads and flowers…

A stream runs through it

we endured the blackflies – out in their fury – for the sake of poetry

and forest

and nautical knots in the rope handrails

And then we had a reading. In the garage, which was not entirely blackfly-free, but quite comfortable and atmospheric. Penn Kemp

Sharon Singer,

Susan McMaster,

Joe Blades, and then

Barbara Nickel

And then it was back on the bus, back to the hotel (where food service stops early) so we wrapped up with some pizza we ordered in at the bar.

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Newfoundland Sunday

The sun finally shone on St John’s today. We were unprepared for the sudden brightness and warmth! Here, at last, “the million dollar harbour view” (taken from the Dildo room – named as they all are after places in Newfoundland in the Battery Hotel… but who would request this room I wonder?)

We had Cod Au Gratin yesterday for lunch, featuring salt cod and surprisingly good despite appearances:

Last night’s banquet, Anne Szumigalski Lecture, book launch and prize-giving ceremony took place at the Fluvarium, where you can go eyeball to eyeball with brown trout.

Many poets milled…

The banquet’s highlights were the salad which had a good dressing and amazingly sweet cherry tomatoes

and the cheesecake, but the routine banquet choices of salmon or chicken were about what you might expect; the chicken was uninspired. How does one choose between industrially-reared chicken and farmed salmon anyway? Tough call.

Then Maurice Mierau

introduced the night’s star turn, Don McKay delivering a talk on geo-poetics.

Followed by prizes, book launch readings…

Afterwards there was music; the harpist, I was told, plays with the symphony. The squeezebox players were excellent.

It all sounded great but I had to scoot off early in order to catch my ride back. The rest was a blur….

There are some great mailboxes on Signal Hill Road.

Breakfast at Coffee Matters on Military Road (I’m afraid the fruit was awful – sour, unwholesome, nearly fermented and I suspect it was a pre-cut restaurant pack rather than a salad made in house. The yogurt wasn’t good either. The coffee was ok…)

Lunch from Sweet Relic, an absolutely four star foodie joint,

in the oldest building in the oldest city in North America;

just fabulous: spinach torte with goat cheese, and a sweet potato frittata with brie. In compostable packaging, no less.

Another day, another bed….

And tonight I’m going on a Boreal Poetry Garden walk.

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The Eastern front: League of Poets meeting in St John’s, Nfld.

Toronto traffic wardens waved us in and out of Pearson Airport on Thursday

where I paused at Wolfgang Puck Express and had a pretty good (though overly sweetened) bowl of butternut squash soup in a styrofoam container, with a freshly-dressed green salad on a plastic plate. How dismal the meals of today’s travellers. I thought longingly of the clever system at the Edmonton Folk Festival where you pay a deposit on a plate (not china, but better than styrofoam and disposable plastic, and still served with regrettable cutlery). Why oh why?

Then a two and a half hour flight to St John’s, with an hour and a half’s time change, making it all four and a half hours later than Victoria, if I counted that right. We landed in dense fog that made me wonder at the marvels of modern navigation systems, and was whisked away with a pair of fellow BC poets to the conference hotel, the Battery, whose name might better be changed to Battered from the smell of the fat fryer that permeated the careworn building.

My “million dollar harbour view” was this (though no water visible even when the fog lifts):

and I helped another poet decamp down the hill after being offered two different rooms, each with a unique view of a different parking lot.

Bedroom decor, St John’s style:

After one night myself in what I can only describe – even after two nights with both windows wide open – as smoky hollow, I was moved late last night to a different and less pungent room due to the massively popular party that was building steam across the hall. Although it was due to be shut down (“they won’t last long”, the security boys told me) on a third complaint, it could have been an ordeal they kindly thought I wouldn’t want to spend the night living through. The new room was better and life carried on.

The League of Poets AGM steams ahead in convivial fashion. Yesterday’s panels included Newfoundland Voice in Poetry, featuring St John’s poet laureate Agnes Walsh and screenwriter/poet Des Walsh, no relation

as well as Mary Dalton and Carmelita McGrath, speaking about the frictions and inspirations of being caught between a lively but unwritten oral culture and the alien traditions of English literature. The panelists had all lived the wave of Newfoundland poetry and publishing that began in the 1950s and grew through the 1970s with magazines like TickleAce and publishing companies like Breakwater Books to support the writers who were surfacing through that time. The Newfoundland contingent has made available copies of a new magazine, Riddle Fence so we can see for ourselves what’s happening here.

Then a panel paying tribute to Margaret Avison, who died last July, by Sally Ito, Stan Dragland, Barbara Nickel

and Maureen Scott Harris.

They paid tribute to Avison’s skills as a poet and editor, talked about her roots in Regina, her connections with the Black Mountain Poets, and read from her challenging but rewarding poetry.

And then we piled into taxis and got ourselves down the hill to City Hall for a reception, where the nibbles were like this

with circulating platters, one of them – according to its bearer – “deep fried goodness” (the usual offenders, deep fried shrimp and fish of various kinds); the other with somewhat local fare including cod tongues, which were unidentifiably battered and fried to an unidentifiable fishiness. The free bar was a great attraction, and then we sat down to enjoy new member readings

and a few words from the mayor, Dennis O’Keefe

and then were set free to seek out our own suppers in town.

We went to Restaurant 21, where the waitress rather too glibly advised us that “everything” on the menu was local. So I asked someone else where the tiger prawns came from, as it stretched credibility to say they were from Newfoundland, and the kitchen confirmed they were Thai. This is the second reputable restaurant in a row I’ve been to on this trip across Canada that proclaims its food is local – I guess that’s what they think we want to hear – when it can’t possibly be so. Live, learn and be cautious.

Anyway, Restaurant 21 was a nice place, and I liked the needlework that greeted us.

After some warm sourdough bread with four kinds of butter (plain, partridgeberry, maple and pesto),

we got an amuse-bouche of beef curry

and then I had mussels, with quite a lot of cream in the bottom,

followed by some tasty halibut sous-vide with grapefruit and black rice.

Stopped in at a kitchen party up the road, but was fading at that point so after greeting the resident tortoiseshell,

climbed the hill with a couple of compadres and (after the room-shifting had been carried out) finally hit the hay.


Got to Guelph and on to Newfoundland

We left Orillia after a brief tour of downtown, where the wildlife is safely behind windows…

Passed some nice Ontario farmland

and kept our eyes peeled in search of characteristic Ontario farmhouses with their steep gables – this one came close:

Encountered more traffic than we were used to

and ran into a touch more rain.

Pile ‘er high. A reuben at one of Orangeville’s fast food joints. Where hunger leads, we follow (wherever we can find a 40 foot space in the parking lot).

The salad had seen better days, but the dressing was pretty good.

Dutch Elm disease killed a lot of trees in Ontario, but some of them have had a second life, like these in Orangeville.

Our only moose sighting for days.

And before we knew it…

A pretty town, Guelph.

Supper in the Slow Fooderie of Guelph: the Artisanale, adjoining the all too tempting Bookshelf, includes a list of the farms and producers who provide its food. Last night’s menu offered some splendid things, like Spot Prawns with spinach (although how they could be described as local to Guelph eluded us, and the kitchen staff – the chef was not around when we dined)

and roast chicken, potatoes and asparagus

(if you need to take your drumstick home with you, the waitress can do some clever things with tinfoil)

and grilled mackerel with tomatoes, peppers and olives. Didn’t manage to find out what kind of mackerel this was, but am guessing Atlantic, which like Spot Prawns at least counts as – on some lists – sustainable (if not exactly local).

And that was pretty much it; the end of the road, the parting of ways. I left this afternoon for Newfoundland, completing by air my coast-to-coast travels. More on that another day.

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