Author Archives: Rhona


And now… Larder: the International Launch (online)

You’re all invited, wherever you may be! A virtual and geographically diverse launch event on Sunday June 5 at 11am (PST): Rhona McAdam launches Larder from Victoria; Mari-Lou Rowley launches Catastrophe Theories from Saskatoon; and Lisa Pasold hosts us from … Continue reading

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Worth More Standing – Nanaimo Launch

Followers of environmental news will know of the ongoing protests over old growth logging at Fairy Creek, southwest Vancouver Island. In tune with this, Christine Lowther named the substantial anthology she’s edited for Caitlin Press Worth More Standing. Clocking in … Continue reading

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Larder: Victoria reading

This Friday May 27 I’ll be reading in Victoria at Planet Earth Poetry. Events kick off with an open mic at 7:30pm, and then Catherine St Denis will take the stage as the Poetic Opener. Catherine has read a number … Continue reading

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Larder: First reading

Last night was the first poetry reading I’ve given in a good long while, and the first at the Fanny Bay Fat Oyster series for about a decade.. it seems my last appearance must have been a reading from Digging … Continue reading

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Larder… the Book!

There is this now obligatory photo of authors opening a box of their books, the first glimpse of the real object. You can send off pages to a publisher, you can get typesetting proofs, you can see the cover image, … Continue reading

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