Author Archives: Rhona


AWP Seattle

Entering day 3 of AWP 2014 – and the first overcast day we’ve had. Sun shone on the 12,000 writers toiling up and down the escalators of the Washington State Convention Centre, on their way to windowless rooms and intellectual … Continue reading

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Saving BC’s agricultural land

In a day parenthesized by chilly rain, the sun decided to shine on today’s Food for the Future rally at the BC Legislature. For an hour or so, a swelling crowd of young, old and four-footed fans of food and … Continue reading

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A larger world

                        Today’s class was about pediatric nutrition, and inevitably, we entered into discussions about obesity: how malnourished mothers give birth to the same problems in their babies as did … Continue reading

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Back online to see out 2013

Things have been on hold here at the cafe for a couple of months. There has been activity I could have reported on, but I’ve been tied up with other matters, and took an unscheduled break while paddling the river … Continue reading

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It’s all about the apples

Actually, other fruit trees too, but this weekend is a double whammy: Plant a Fruit Tree Day and the Salt Spring Island Apple Festival. There will be rain, but there will be fruit as well.. ya can’t have one without … Continue reading

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