Author Archives: Rhona


Laughing oysters, food forests and a trip to Bellingham

Last weekend I happened upon this rather lovely book display in the window of the Laughing Oyster book store in Courtenay. I’m keeping good company! This afternoon I go head-to-head with the Superbowl, whatever that might be, giving a book … Continue reading

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More seeds

Lost a bit of time to computer troubles, but we seem to be back on our virtual feet again. This abnormally warm West Coast winter is blending seamlessly into spring with an alarming showing of buds on bushes even as … Continue reading

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First seeds

Even here in Lotusland we were reminded it’s still winter with a run of frosty nights, but the chill gave way to a clear sunny day last Saturday in which Haliburton Farm’s friends and neighbours gathered at the farmhouse to … Continue reading

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Sweet beginnings

Obesity and its brethren (diabetes, cancer, GERD etc.) are the latest uninvited guests at the 21st century table. And what they’re eating is sugar. Or is that all they’re eating? I do think we overdo it with sugar of all … Continue reading

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Farewell to 2012

Tis the season to look back over a busy year at the Iambic Cafe, as I wish you all a happy, healthy and sustainable 2013! January… Copenhagen, mostly in the rain, and then some Cambridge…           … Continue reading

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