Author Archives: Rhona


Full steam ahead: a week of talks!

Lots going on this week. If you’re in town I hope you can make it to one or more of these different events! On Tuesday evening, March 19, look for me in Fernwood, where I’m talking urban agriculture at Fernwood … Continue reading

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Meeting one’s maker – an act of exceptional good taste

Life in the salad bowl continued last Monday when I was privileged to spend a day volunteering in the kitchen for the Meet Your Maker Vancouver Island event. Organized by Farm Folk City Folk, it was the first time it … Continue reading

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Long lost blogger: farmers & food

It has been quite the delicious craziness over the past couple of weeks which has kept me away from this blog and out in the edible world enjoying lots of food and food talk. Here’s one of the events I … Continue reading

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Seedy, raw community

It was an intense ag-food weekend starting with Seedy Saturday at the Victoria Conference Centre. Many were the crowds, nigh on as numerous as the seeds on sale, and much was the diversity on offer. I was helping out at … Continue reading

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Palestinian food, Vancouver smokehouse and the Salt Spring abattoir

I love the random and unusual places my food interests take me. But then, as we learned at food school, gastronomy touches every aspect of life; and food being life-giving, its universal reach should not surprise us. So last week … Continue reading

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