Author Archives: Rhona


Kelp, acid-alkaline, omnivorous environmentalism & brain food

It is possible to leave a nutrition conference freaked out about the state of the world, and in dire need of a good remineralizing kelp treatment. But ditto an environmental (literature) conference or just about any other kind of conference … Continue reading

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Nourishing Indiana

Here in the curious world of the conference hotel, if you can find the stairs, they won’t necessarily take you where you want to go. And they are bleak enough to discourage the faint-hearted. I enjoyed a good fifteen minute … Continue reading

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Nuts & Seeds

Already I am falling behind. Weekend before last was a nutty, seedy time, marked by intermittent rainstorms and – for my part – a missing battery from my camera, so the photos are few. On the Saturday morning, some of … Continue reading

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Announcing Ex-ville

Dear readers, I have been a sleeping blogger for these many months, but have awakened just as the leaves fall and the books launch. After a suspenseful summer, I am more than pleased to report that my sixth full-length poetry … Continue reading

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London Books

Still a few more bits and pieces to share from my time in London, back in March, before this month, like the past couple, get away from me. I went to a number of events while in town. One, a … Continue reading

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