Monthly Archives: October 2010


Terra Madre: GMOs, nutraceuticals, organic/biodynamic farming

I paid a fleeting visit to a session on GMOs, functional foods and nutraceuticals, both areas of concern for Slow Food, whose No-GMO campaign was visible during the week. A few snippets: Marcello Buiatti: more is spent on marketing than … Continue reading

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Terra Madre: Food diversity & safety

Friday’s workshop on “Ensuring food diversity and safety in Europe” had some sponsorship from the EU’s Directorate-General for Health & Consumers. If I understood correctly, this was the first year that EU delegates came to join the discussions at Terra … Continue reading

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Terra Madre: Sustainable education

If I had a few more lifetimes I would have gone to a few more workshops – can’t imagine how many there were at Terra Madre, with 8 meeting rooms, a Lingua Madre space and a Slow Food Projects Meeting … Continue reading


Sensorial overload

Hard to find coherent words to report on an overwhelming couple of days. Here are some sights: I found my long lost love, Testarolo; said to be the earliest pasta, it’s named for the large flat pan it’s cooked in. … Continue reading

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Terra Madre opening

The first day of anything is chaotic, especially in Italy. The first day of a fair expecting 150,000 especially so. And the logistics of herding some 5000 very international delegates to the opening ceremonies for Terra Madre were handled with … Continue reading

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