Public market opens

Victoria’s long-awaited public market at the Hudson’s grand opening sprawls over this entire weekend.

Want to get out of the drizzle on Sunday? Come and say hello in the nice dry market space where from 11am till 5pm, I’ll be perched at a table for Digging the City. with books and a bit of community information about the Gorge Tillicum Urban Farmers. At 11:15 I’ll be stepping into the community kitchen to read from my book, and talk about the Gorge Tillicum Urban Farmers community seed bank initiative.

There will also be

local food, fun, entertainment, featuring local food centered non-profits, who will have day tables to highlight their good work and will provide programing for the Community Kitchen (cooking demonstrations. Kids entertainment will include free face-painting (11-2pm) and balloon twisting (12-2pm), and food and garden focused activities by Lifecycles and Compost Ed Centre.

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The Iambic Cafe has been mostly offline these past months, enjoying the summer, which seems to have been abnormally short this year, though things have kept growing and so has the list of things I’m preserving in the kitchen.

So far I have put up three cases of salmon (pink, sockeye and coho), four litres of gingery apple butter, a dozen jars of assorted mixtures of apricot and plum and blackberry jam, and a case of canned apricots. My freezer is crammed with bottles of apple & blackberry juice, I have two quart jars of lacto-fermented red cabbage sauerkraut in the fridge, have dehydrated herbs and kale chips and raisins, and am about to start in on the tomatoes. A case of Red Haven organic peaches is finishing its final ripening while the fruit flies wait, loitering hopefully on the cover to the apple scrap vinegar-to-be.

But even after all this, I can’t sit idle. I find myself thinking how useful it would be to make my own sea salt: perhaps a winter chore once I start stoking the wood stove, which I expect to heat me through till spring on the bounty of the mighty Douglas fir I had to have felled this spring when its roots intruded on my house’s foundations. The feller tossed giant rounds down as he worked – many so big I could hardly push them – and of such heft they made deep gouges in the soggy ground, creating a whole new landscape where the lawn used to be. Eventually, after several weeks’ chopping and hauling, the woodshed is stacked to the rafters and it should be about ready to burn by the time the autumn chill descends.

Aside from a brief and festive sojourn into the darkest reaches of the Shuswap, I’ve remained close to home, tied to house and garden and enjoying a satisfying run of good weather. A steady stream of visitors has kept me hopping between visitations of renovators and obligations with paintbrushes and restoration of trampled garden.

This week classes started up again in Nanaimo and we’ve commenced the final year of nutrition studies with a class on Eco-Nutrition, working through the fascinating if sometimes dispiriting text of Thomas Pawlick’s The End of Food. Not entirely new territory for me, as it echoes the UK situation described in Felicity Lawrence’s Not On the Label, and numerous American books by the likes of Marion Nestle, Michael Pollan, Joel Salatin, Eric Schlosser, et al. Looking forward to the assignment – to research the origins and production of any five foods. We’ll have to choose carefully: I expect our findings are more likely to make us queasy than easy with what we eat.

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Short film: la surconsommation

In what is pretty much a condensed version of Our Daily Bread, this six minute film gives us hundreds of thousands of good reasons to support small-scale, local, organic food production, processing and retailing.

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Gluttony, by Allegra McEvedy

I was happy to find a place on a School of Life workshop last time I was in London. Alain de Botton‘s genius sideline, this eccentric school in Bloomsbury offers a dazzling range of talks, workshops and Sunday sermons as well as a supremely tempting gift shop. Here for your summer entertainment, is a sermon appropriate to these pages, Allegra McEvedy on Gluttony:


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Bread and summer

Gratuitous Strawberry Shortcake shot

Denman Island Strawberry Shortcake

Things have gone into summer drift here at the Iambic Cafe. I’ve been jolted into action by my friends at the Kneading Conference West, who’d like me to share with you news of their upcoming gathering, September 12-14, to be held once again in the exquisitely perfect setting of the experimental orchard at the Mount Vernon Research Station. If you love bread and/or grain and want to spend a delicious weekend with farmers, millers, bakers and foodies in the gorgeous Skagit County countryside for a paltry $300 (meals included) you should register now! Keynote speakers this year include  renowned New York grain grower/flour producer Thor Oechsner and Gastronomica founding editor Darra Goldstein and there will be workshops in artisan bread baking, pastry baking, grain growing, milling and wood-fired oven construction.

In other news, here’s a taste of my summer so far:

Bellingham: Fairhaven Farmers Market

Reading in Bellingham

Denman Island Garden Tour

Denman Isl.Garden Tour

Michelle Rose CSF

CSF seafood share

Solstice Moon on the Gorge

Solstice Moon on the Gorge

June Strawberry

Oddly shaped fruit

Gorge Canada Day Picnic

Canada Day on the Gorge

GTUF garden tour

GTUF garden tour

Nettie Wiebe

Nettie Wiebe at CAFS

Duncan Market Beets

Lots of farmers markets

Haliburton Farm Chickens

Haliburton Farm chicks


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