Author Archives: Rhona


Bee-gone cruel world

As mentioned previously I returned home to find my Bombus box deserted and only a couple of sickly bees still staggering about under the bedding. Mine were Bombus vosnesenskii or yellow-faced bumblebees, and I’d lured them into the box in … Continue reading


A lesson in not waiting for permission

The Transition Network (and Transition Towns)  exist because governments are too slow to respond to the need for urgent change. Community action can fill the void, and the town of Todmorden in West Yorkshire proves the case in point. All … Continue reading

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ALECC 2012 – Space + Memory = Place (days 4&5)

Saturday morning we repaired (by schoolbus) to the beautiful spaces at Okanagan College, where the luckiest presenters spoke in the curvy pod at the top of the stairs, but really everything was lovely there, including a fine breakfast of fresh … Continue reading

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ALECC 2012 – Space + Memory = Place (day 3)

We began our Friday in a state of suspended animation, awaiting the arrival of various participants and speakers who were caught in a spectacular traffic snarl caused by a 3am accident that took down power lines in central Kelowna and … Continue reading

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ALECC 2012 – Space + Memory = Place (day 2)

The conference got properly underway on Thursday, commencing with an afternoon reading by Cornelia Hoogland, who offered us her essay “Sea Level” which had been finalist in the CBC Nonfiction contest this year, and which opened things up with thought … Continue reading

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