Author Archives: Rhona


ASLE 2013 – plenaries, poetry & medicinal plants

      I managed to get a long overdue poetry reading into my ASLE week, attending the plenary reading by Maine poet Jeffrey Thomson and Colombian writer Juan Carlos Galeano, who teaches in Florida. I had first encountered Galeano … Continue reading

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ASLE 2013 – been & gone

        Water could have been the theme at ASLE 2013. At the opening reception, the Provost of KU promised us that Kansas is a great place when it’s not raining or snowing… but life does end up … Continue reading

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ASLE 2013 – and I’d never been to Kansas

I arrived on the heels of a big thunderstorm that flooded basements and washed the place clean before disappearing off to neighbouring states. The air is still heavy with heat and humidity, and more storms are forecast but so far … Continue reading

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Plants to swap, buy and heal

Wednesday’s fun was the GTUF plant swap, at which we shared around our surplus plant starts. It was our monthly meeting and this time the theme was growing and cooking herbs. A couple of our members – Donna Neve & … Continue reading

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Octopus Day on the Gorge

I have some deadlines looming, so of course I am overcome with a need to cook and clean and hang laundry on the line while the sun shines. And so it was that while diligently sorting through the hidden treasures … Continue reading

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