Author Archives: Rhona


Public market opens

Victoria’s long-awaited public market at the Hudson’s grand opening sprawls over this entire weekend. Want to get out of the drizzle on Sunday? Come and say hello in the nice dry market space where from 11am till 5pm, I’ll be … Continue reading

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The Iambic Cafe has been mostly offline these past months, enjoying the summer, which seems to have been abnormally short this year, though things have kept growing and so has the list of things I’m preserving in the kitchen. So … Continue reading

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Short film: la surconsommation

In what is pretty much a condensed version of Our Daily Bread, this six minute film gives us hundreds of thousands of good reasons to support small-scale, local, organic food production, processing and retailing.

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Gluttony, by Allegra McEvedy

I was happy to find a place on a School of Life workshop last time I was in London. Alain de Botton‘s genius sideline, this eccentric school in Bloomsbury offers a dazzling range of talks, workshops and Sunday sermons as … Continue reading

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Bread and summer

Things have gone into summer drift here at the Iambic Cafe. I’ve been jolted into action by my friends at the Kneading Conference West, who’d like me to share with you news of their upcoming gathering, September 12-14, to be … Continue reading

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