Got to Guelph and on to Newfoundland

We left Orillia after a brief tour of downtown, where the wildlife is safely behind windows…

Passed some nice Ontario farmland

and kept our eyes peeled in search of characteristic Ontario farmhouses with their steep gables – this one came close:

Encountered more traffic than we were used to

and ran into a touch more rain.

Pile ‘er high. A reuben at one of Orangeville’s fast food joints. Where hunger leads, we follow (wherever we can find a 40 foot space in the parking lot).

The salad had seen better days, but the dressing was pretty good.

Dutch Elm disease killed a lot of trees in Ontario, but some of them have had a second life, like these in Orangeville.

Our only moose sighting for days.

And before we knew it…

A pretty town, Guelph.

Supper in the Slow Fooderie of Guelph: the Artisanale, adjoining the all too tempting Bookshelf, includes a list of the farms and producers who provide its food. Last night’s menu offered some splendid things, like Spot Prawns with spinach (although how they could be described as local to Guelph eluded us, and the kitchen staff – the chef was not around when we dined)

and roast chicken, potatoes and asparagus

(if you need to take your drumstick home with you, the waitress can do some clever things with tinfoil)

and grilled mackerel with tomatoes, peppers and olives. Didn’t manage to find out what kind of mackerel this was, but am guessing Atlantic, which like Spot Prawns at least counts as – on some lists – sustainable (if not exactly local).

And that was pretty much it; the end of the road, the parting of ways. I left this afternoon for Newfoundland, completing by air my coast-to-coast travels. More on that another day.

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