Film and food

The Victoria Film Festival‘s on our horizon. Now that we can see the horizon between lashings of rain.

It has some food elements, including Mad City Chickens, a film about (what else?) Mad City Chickens, urban poultry farmers in Madison Wisconsin. There’s a wonderful link from the film’s web page, to a really helpful website: which has some amazing examples of chicken coops and tractors for people to copy.

And Know Your Mushrooms promises to reveal “the miraculous, near-secret world of fungi”. Apparently it all started with a mycocidal conversation with Jim Jarmusch, followed by a visit to the Telluride Fungifest, and ends up like so:

Combining material filmed at the Telluride Mushroom Fest with animation and archival footage along with a neo-psychedelic soundtrack by the Flaming Lips, KNOW YOUR MUSHROOMS opens the doors to perception, takes the audience on a longer, stranger trip and delivers them to a brave new world where the fungi might well guide humanity to a saner, safer place… with extra cheese…

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