Monthly Archives: February 2008


Cold and hot

It has been a bit warmer, if that is the word, but even my hardy Edmonton companions found a few minutes of yesterday’s walk a journey through the most biting cold imaginable. The day before, we’d had an invigorating march … Continue reading



It’s all about the weather here. Today started sunny and clear and is now grey and cold, cold, cold. The forecast is for a wind chill temp of -41c (or a not entirely desirable -25 out of the wind). I … Continue reading


Food and culture and deliberate misinterpretation

I am something of a broken record on this subject, but it’s not my fault, it’s everywhere! The latest Food Programme (Feb 3) broadcast an interview with Michael Pollan about In Defence of Food, with discussion about nutritionism, with input … Continue reading

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Dog food to damned cold

Only exciting food in recent days was a batch of dog food for the returning Anton, who is equally interested in food, walks and blue dinosaurs. His food was made of ground beef, beef hearts, oatmeal, brown rice, potatoes, whole … Continue reading

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Convenience, and the interesting arguments against microwaves

It strikes me that most of the ‘progress’ towards which the western world has worked itself to exhaustion has been the quest for greater convenience, a word that is starting to sound like a warning rather than a goal. And … Continue reading

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